Katerina Chatziioannou

Assistant Professor of Physics at the California Institute of Technology
William H. Hurt Scholar

About me

I am a gravitational wave astrophysicist, and currently an Assistant Professor of Physics at the California Institute of Technology and a William H. Hurt Scholar.

Research Interests

My research revolves around General Relativity and using Gravitational Waves to study the Universe. I am a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LIGO Laboratory, the LISA Consortium, the NANOGrav Collaboration, the Simulating Extreme Spacetimes Collaboration, and the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Electrodynamics of Compact Sources.

Research Group

I lead a research group at Caltech that includes undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff scientists. If you are interested in working with us, please check the opportunities listed here.


Contact Information

  • Email

  • Office

    I split my time between 338 Cahill and 355 West Bridge

  • Office Phone

    (626) 395-8511
  • Address

    California Institute of Technology
    TAPIR 350-17
    1200 E. California Boulevard
    Pasadena, California 91125-0001 USA